August 22-24,2019
Senior servicestandardization establishment and operation management symposium was convenedon May 4. This seminar was one of symposiums of The 5th China InternationalSenior Services Expo, which is sponsored by China Association of Social Welfareand Senior Service, China Social Welfare Foundation and National Social WelfareService Standardization Technology Committee, and undertaken by Lovaegis SeniorCare Services (Beijing) Limited.
Seminar waspresided over by Youxue Liu, Deputy Secretary General of China Association ofSocial Welfare and Senior Service; Zhiqiang Meng, Deputy Director of SocialWelfare and Charity Promotion Department of Ministry of Civil Affairs, ZeshiYang, Director of Service Industry Standard Department of StandardizationAdministration of the People’s Republic of China, and Xiaoli Feng,Vice-chairman and Secretary General of China Association of Social Welfare andSenior Service attended and gave speeches.
Bingliang Zhen,Secretary of the Party Committee of Social Welfare Center and Ministry of CivilAffairs mentioned, preparation and amendment of standardization in seniorservice would be accelerated during “the 13th five year plan”,standardization would exert a better underlying and strategic influence inimproving and securing interests of the elderly and in modern development ofsenior service industry. Combining working experience British medical treatmentand healthcare institution and British Committee of the Red Cross, Director ofOperations of British Shaw Healthcare Group introduced British senior servicestandard system and operation guarantee. Jianguo Li, Chairman of BeijingAssociation of Senior Service Industry, taking “improve management, optimize service, implement standardization and realize normalization”as a topic, introduced overview, effect and idea for standardization work inthe future of implementation of Beijing senior service institutionstandardization.
Inaddition, other honored guests participating in this seminar included DanxingWu, Dean of health industry school of Beijing Geely University, Yan Zhuang,Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Social Welfare Industry Association, andNathaniel Farouz, President of ORPEA China Region, etc..
Focused on standardizationestablishment and operation management theme of senior service industry, the Seminarinvited senior experts and scholars in senior service standardizationestablishment and senior service operation management, to positively discusstheoretical support and practice approach of senior service standardizationestablishment and senior service operation management. Jointly share researchachievements, innovation mode and practice experience. Through research anddiscussion, strive for leading standardization establishment of various seniorservice institutions for implementation to improve senior service managementlevel and service quality, and promote living quality of the elderly living inthe institution. (Shuang Qin)